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Carpet is still the most commonly used flooring in homes today, and there are many different styles of carpet that you can choose from, ranging from Shag to Berber and everything in between. No matter what style you want, an important thing to consider in your selection will be the carpeting fiber type you will choose. L&L Flooring Company can make it easier with our local carpet options available to you right now.

Nylon carpet

Nylon is one of the best fibers to use in carpets, because it is durable, rugged, and resists wear and tear better than any other. Nylon is one of the more expensive fibers, second only to wool, but that is to be expected when you consider that it can last ten or more years in high traffic areas, and still have minimal damage from wear and tear. Carpet made of nylon tends to look like-new longer than any other fiber. With a high range of colors and carpet styles, nylon fiber still remains one of the most popular carpets we have at L&L Flooring Company in our Nashville showroom.
Wool carpet in Nashville, TN from The L & L Flooring Company

Wool & wool blend carpet

Carpets are sometimes offered with a blend of wool and nylon in different amounts. Full wool carpet is not that common, typical blends are around 80% wool mixed with 20% nylon fibers. Wool carpets are thought to be the high end of the carpet fiber line and are the most expensive of the fiber options for carpeting. As a carpeting fiber type, wool is soft, durable, stain resistant, and offers bright colors and hues.

If you are looking for carpet options for your home, then come by L&L Flooring Company and see the high-quality carpet choices that we have available.

To find the best carpet for your home, and to better understand the carpeting fiber types that you can choose from, contact us today. Our team of flooring experts are ready to help you find local carpet options available right now, so call or stop by our show room today to get started.

Reimagine your home

with our carpet gallery